
Known Doc Tags

humanize = require './utils/humanize'

Private method collapse_space

This function collapses... spaces


  • value must be a String.
    (This is the value which will be collapsed. The primary purpose of this method is to allow multiline parameter descriptions, just like this one.)

Returns a String

collapse_space = (value) -> value.replace /\s+/g, ' '

Public module DOCTAGS of type _Object

This is a sample doc tagged block comment

module.exports = DOC_TAGS = description: section: 'description' markdown: '{value}' internal: section: 'access' 'private': section: 'access' 'protected': section: 'access' 'public': valuePrefix: 'as' section: 'access' 'static': section: 'access' constructor: section: 'special' destructor: section: 'special' constant: section: 'type' method: section: 'type' module: section: 'type' 'package': section: 'type' property: section: 'type' accessor: section: 'flags' markdown: 'is an accessor' async: section: 'flags' markdown: 'is asynchronous' asynchronous: 'async' getter: section: 'flags' markdown: 'is a getter' recursive: section: 'flags' markdown: 'is recursive' refactor: section: 'flags' markdown: 'needs to be refactored' setter: section: 'flags' markdown: 'is a setter' alias: valuePrefix: 'as' section: 'metadata' markdown: 'is aliased as {value}' publishes: section: 'metadata' requests: section: 'metadata' markdown: 'makes an ajax request to {value}' subscribes: valuePrefix: 'to' section: 'metadata' markdown: 'subscribes to {value}' type: section: 'metadata' markdown: 'of type _{value}_' todo: section: 'todo' markdown: 'TODO: {value}' example: section: 'example' markdown: '{value}' examples: 'example' usage: 'example' howto: section: 'howto' markdown: '{value}'

A comment that does not have doc tags in it

note: section: 'discard' notes: 'note' param: section: 'params'

Public method parseValue

parses function parameters


  • value must be a String.
    (Text that follows @param)

Returns an Object

parseValue: (value) -> parts = collapse_space(value).match /^\{([^\}]+)\}\s+(\[?)([\w\.\$]+)(?:=([^\s\]]+))?(\]?)\s*(.*)$/ types: (parts[1]?.split /\|{1,2}/g) isOptional: (parts[2] == '[' and parts[5] == ']') varName: parts[3] isSubParam: /\./.test parts[3] defaultValue: parts[4] description: parts[6]

Private method markdown

converts parsed values to markdown text


  • value must be an Object.

    • value.types must be an Array of Strings.

    • value.isOptional must be a Boolean and has a default value of false.

    • value.varName must be a String.

    • value.isSubParam must be a Boolean and has a default value of false.

    • value.defaultValue is optional and must be a String.

    • value.description is optional and must be a String.

Returns a String
(should be in markdown syntax)

markdown: (value) -> types = ( for type in value.types if type.match /^\.\.\.|\.\.\.$/ "any number of #{humanize.pluralize type.replace(/^\.\.\.|\.\.\.$/, "")}" else if type.match /\[\]$/ "an Array of #{humanize.pluralize type.replace(/\[\]$/, "")}" else "#{humanize.article type} #{type}" ) fragments = [] fragments.push 'is optional' if value.isOptional verb = 'must' if types.length > 1 verb = 'can' else if types[0] == 'a Mixed' verb = 'can' types[0] = 'of any type' else if types[0] == 'an Array of Mixeds' verb = 'can' types[0] = 'an Array of any type' else if types[0] == 'any number of Mixeds' verb = 'can' types[0] = 'any number of arguments of any type' fragments.push "#{verb} be #{humanize.joinSentence types, 'or'}" fragments.push "has a default value of #{value.defaultValue}" if value.defaultValue? "#{if value.isSubParam then " *" else "*"} **#{value.varName} #{humanize.joinSentence fragments}.**#{if value.description.length then '<br/>(' else ''}#{value.description}#{if value.description.length then ')' else ''}" params: 'param' parameters: 'param' 'return': section: 'returns' parseValue: (value) -> parts = collapse_space(value).match /^\{([^\}]+)\}\s*(.*)$/ types: parts[1].split /\|{1,2}/g description: parts[2] markdown: (value) -> types = ("#{humanize.article type} #{type}" for type in value.types) "**returns #{types.join ' or '}**#{if value.description.length then '<br/>(' else ''}#{value.description}#{if value.description.length then ')' else ''}" returns: 'return' throw: section: 'returns' parseValue: (value) -> parts = collapse_space(value).match /^\{([^\}]+)\}\s*(.*)$/ types: parts[1].split /\|{1,2}/g description: parts[2] markdown: (value) -> types = ("#{humanize.article type} #{type}" for type in value.types) "**can throw #{types.join ' or '}**#{if value.description.length then '<br/>(' else ''}#{value.description}#{if value.description.length then ')' else ''}" throws: 'throw' defaultNoValue: section: 'flags' defaultHasValue: section: 'metadata'