@import "compass" @import "codestyles" @import "compass/reset"



  • Margin between segments in two-column mode, padding for code/comments in single-column mode.
$common-margin: 1em
  • Additional padding to each column in two-column mode
$column-padding: 1em
  • The line length of the commentary column in both modes.
$commentary-width: 29em
  • Width of the tools pulldown in two-column mode. NOT scaled by tools-font.
$tools-width: 20em
  • Height of the main toolbar, scaled by the size of tools-font
$tools-height: 2.1em

Smooth-scale the page in viewports that are between ideal widths for two-column and one-column modes. Scaling starts at the same width as $tools-width into the code column.

$scale-steps: 136 // Approx 1 per pixel on a desktop (8.5em distance & 16px per em) $scale-min: 0.85
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam cursus lorem at mi hendrerit pretium. Maecenas ultrices dolor dictum orci lobortis fringilla. Integer ut sem at libero scelerisque commodo quis a dui. Nulla pellentesque, purus non ultricies porta, diam est fringilla orci, dignissim mattis leo erat a urna. Donec fermentum orci nec magna vehicula consectetur. Vivamus a dui eget orci malesuada elementum. Cras tempor mi sit amet ligula mollis porta. Nulla eu purus eget dui aliquet iaculis in quis massa. Phasellus sed lectus ac augue tincidunt blandit. Pellentesque et aliquam neque. Donec faucibus ultricies sem, ut mattis ante consectetur sed. In sollicitudin consectetur nisl, nec malesuada diam dictum ut. Duis feugiat, lorem in pulvinar interdum, nibh turpis lobortis erat, dictum hendrerit massa nibh molestie odio. Ut ultricies, dui a lobortis aliquam, massa diam tempus eros, eu ornare risus mi vitae elit. Integer pretium vulputate eros vitae luctus. Mauris in rhoncus nisi.

Color Scheme

$commentary-background-color: #f5fbff $commentary-foreground-color: #4a525a // Thank you, Mr. Gruber $commentary-shadow-color: #ffffff $code-background-color: #4a525a $code-foreground-color: #cbd1d8 $code-shadow-color: darken($code-background-color, 15%) $link-color: #a8614e $link-hover-foreground-color: #a8614e $link-hover-background-color: lighten(#a8614e, 43%) $link-hover-shadow-color: lighten(#a8614e, 60%) $tools-background-color: transparentize(#e6e6e6, 0.1) $tools-foreground-color: #4a525a $tools-shadow-color: #f0f0f0 $inline-code-background-color: #fbf8f3


=commentary-font font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Droid Sans", sans-serif font-weight: 300 font-size: 0.9375em line-height: 1.35 =code-font font-family: "Droid Sans Mono", Menlo, Monaco, monospace font-size: 0.75em line-height: 1.4 =header-font font-family: "HelveticaNeue-UltraLight", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, "Droid Sans", sans-serif font-weight: 100 letter-spacing: 0.0625em line-height: 1.25 margin-bottom: 0.5em =tools-font +commentary-font =header-font-sizes h1 font-size: 2.5em h2 font-size: 2em h3 font-size: 1.6em h4 font-size: 1.4em h5 font-size: 1.3em h6 font-size: 1.2em

Two-Column Layout

As a general tenet, we try to avoid using margins, as they get us into trouble. Pparticularly, when ensuring that our html/body/#document are full height and do not induce scrolling unless their content grows past the page.

$commentary-column-width: $commentary-width + ($common-margin + $column-padding) * 2 html, body height: 100% #document min-height: 100%

Conceptually, the layout focuses the user on the commentary first, so we lay out that column.

body max-width: $commentary-column-width

In two-column mode, the segment is actually shifted over a full column to favor code fragments. We may or may not have either .comment or .code sections, so we need to handle all three cases.

.segment padding: ($common-margin / 2) 0 ($common-margin / 2) $commentary-column-width white-space: nowrap &:first-child padding-top: $common-margin + $column-padding + $tools-height &:last-child padding-bottom: $common-margin + $column-padding .comments, .code display: inline-block vertical-align: top padding: 0 ($common-margin + $column-padding) .comments margin-left: -$commentary-column-width width: $commentary-width white-space: normal .code white-space: pre

Fit the meta info into the code column

#meta position: absolute left: $commentary-column-width padding: $common-margin / 4 $common-margin

Two-Column Scaling

Before we swap over to a single column layout, we scale the page down a little bit in an effort to squeeze some extra life out of it. Scaling starts once the toolbar is flush with the main column

$scale-start-width: $commentary-column-width + $tools-width $scale-stop-width: $scale-start-width * $scale-min @for $i from 0 through $scale-steps - 2 // Skip the last step; it's exactly $scale-stop-width $scale: 1.0 - (1.0 - $scale-min) * ($i / ($scale-steps - 1)) @media (max-width: #{$scale-start-width * $scale}) html font-size: 1em * $scale

Single-Column Layout

We swap over to the single column layout once we hit the edge of the scaling

$single-column-toggle-width: $scale-stop-width

Switch modes at a little wider than a full (padded) column

@media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) html font-size: 1em body margin: 0 auto .segment padding: 0 white-space: normal max-width: $commentary-width margin: 0 auto .comments, .code display: block padding: $common-margin .comments margin-left: 0 width: auto .code display: block overflow-y: hidden overflow-x: auto .wrapper display: inline-block

Fit the meta info into on screen, removing any overflow it creates

#meta position: static margin: $common-margin * 2 0 0 0 overflow-y: hidden overflow-x: auto .file-path display: inline-block
$tools-padding: ($tools-height - 1em) / 2 nav position: fixed top: 0 right: 0 width: $tools-width

Nav should be full width in single column mode

@media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) left: 0 width: 100% .tools position: relative z-index: 100 li display: table-cell vertical-align: middle text-align: center white-space: nowrap height: $tools-height padding: 0 $tools-padding .github padding: 0 a display: block height: $tools-height width: $tools-height text-indent: -9001em .search width: 100% input +box-sizing(border-box) display: block width: 100% .toc +box-sizing(border-box) position: absolute top: $tools-height bottom: 0 width: 100% overflow-x: hidden overflow-y: auto li position: relative .label display: block line-height: 2em padding: 0 $tools-padding 0 $tools-padding li li .label padding-left: $tools-padding * 2 li li li .label padding-left: $tools-padding * 3 li li li li .label padding-left: $tools-padding * 4 li li li li li .label padding-left: $tools-padding * 5 li li li li li li .label padding-left: $tools-padding * 6


$navigation-shift-duration: 150ms

In either mode, we need to expand the nav's height when showing the table of contents (we don't want a blank div getting in the way of interaction)

nav +transition(height 0 $navigation-shift-duration) .tools .toggle +transition(background $navigation-shift-duration) &.active +transition(height 0 0) height: 100%

In two-column mode, we slide the table of contents in from the right

nav .toc +transition(right $navigation-shift-duration) right: -100% .toc right: 0

In single column mode, we slide in from the left (and also pop the body)

@media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) nav .toc +transition(left $navigation-shift-duration) right: auto left: -100% .toc left: 0

When we switch to the navigation in single column mode, "pop" the body off by sliding it off screen to the right.

@media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) body +transition(left $navigation-shift-duration) position: relative left: 0 html.popped overflow: hidden body left: 100% overflow: hidden nav .toc

By default, all file lists are collapsed.

.children, .outline display: none

We only expand direct descendants for files, but outlines are fully expanded from the outset.

.expanded > .children, .expanded > .outline, .expanded > .outline .children display: block .discloser +transition-property(-moz-transform -webkit-transform -o-transform transform) // bah. +transition-duration(200ms) +rotate(0deg) display: inline-block height: 9px width: 9px padding: 0.2em margin: 0.2em 0.2em -0.2em 0.2em vertical-align: baseline background: inline-image('disclosure-indicator.png') center center no-repeat background-size: 9px 9px

Every label gets one, but not all need to display them.

.discloser.placeholder, .expanded > .outline .discloser background: none .expanded > .label .discloser +rotate(90deg)

When searching, we only hide labels so that the hierarchy can still be shown to the user

.filtered > .label display: none .matched-child > .label display: block

Make sure that we expand to show any matched nodes

.matched-child > .children, .matched-child > .outline, .matched-child > .outline .children display: block .matched > .children, .matched > .outline, .matched > .outline .children display: block

Disclosure indicators are confusing when we're searching

nav.searching .toc .discloser display: none


.comments .wrapper +commentary-font h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 +header-font +header-font-sizes p margin: 1em 0 > * &:first-child margin-top: 0 &:last-child margin-bottom: 0 ol, ul padding-left: 1.75em margin: 1em 0 ol li list-style: decimal ul li list-style: disc li margin: 1em 0 &:first-child margin-top: 0 &:last-child margin-bottom: 0 code display: inline-block padding: 0.25em 0.25em 0 0.25em pre display: block overflow-x: auto overflow-y: hidden +inline-codestyles code padding: $common-margin blockquote padding: 0 $common-margin strong font-weight: 700 em font-style: italic

Visual Design

We want a bit of depth between the columns, so make the code appear inset

$code-column-shadow-width: 1em $background-gradient: linear-gradient(left, darken($code-background-color, 15%), darken($code-background-color, 5%) 0.3 * $code-column-shadow-width, $code-background-color $code-column-shadow-width) html background: $code-background-color // Degrade gracefully

We cheat and use #document to display the shadow

#document +background($commentary-background-color $background-gradient $commentary-column-width no-repeat) margin-right: -$code-column-shadow-width padding-right: $code-column-shadow-width @media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) margin-right: 0 padding-right: 0 #meta > * +commentary-font +text-shadow($code-shadow-color 1px 1px 0) &, a color: darken($code-foreground-color, 15%) a text-decoration: none

We apply font changes to .wrapper elements so that we do not resize the 'standard' em unit that we are relying on for layout.

.comments .wrapper +commentary-font +text-shadow($commentary-shadow-color 1px 1px 0) color: $commentary-foreground-color .code .wrapper +codestyles +code-font +text-shadow($code-shadow-color 1px 1px 0) color: $code-foreground-color @media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) +border-radius(0.4em) +box-shadow(darken($code-background-color, 15%) 0 0 0.5em 0.2em inset) background: $code-background-color .wrapper +box-shadow($code-background-color 0 0 0.25em 0.75em) background: $code-background-color @media (max-width: #{$commentary-width}) +border-radius(0) nav +text-shadow($tools-shadow-color 1px 1px 0) color: $tools-foreground-color .tools, .toc +tools-font .tools +box-shadow(rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 0 0.5em 0.1em) +background(linear-gradient(top, lighten($tools-background-color, 10%), darken($tools-background-color, 10%))) +border-bottom-left-radius(0.4em) border-bottom: 1px solid $tools-foreground-color border-left: 1px solid $tools-foreground-color @media (max-width: #{$scale-start-width}) +border-bottom-left-radius(0) li border-right: 1px solid $tools-foreground-color &:last-child border-right: none .toggle cursor: pointer .github a +transition(opacity 200ms) +opacity(0.5) background: inline-image('github-icon.png') center center no-repeat background-size: 19.5px 24px &:hover +opacity(0.9) &.active .tools +border-bottom-left-radius(0) .toggle background: darken($tools-background-color, 10%) position: relative .toc +box-shadow(rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 0 0.5em 0.1em) background: $tools-background-color border-left: 1px solid $tools-foreground-color .label color: $tools-foreground-color text-decoration: none border-top: 1px solid darken($tools-background-color, 15%) border-bottom: 1px solid darken($tools-background-color, 15%) margin-top: -1px &:hover background: darken($tools-background-color, 10%) .file > .label font-weight: bold .selected > .label background: $commentary-background-color

Search styling

.label em font-weight: bold

This isn't the best of signals...

.file > .label em color: darken($tools-foreground-color, 25%) .matched-child > .label +opacity(0.65) +text-shadow(none) background: darken($tools-background-color, 15%) @media (max-width: #{$single-column-toggle-width}) .tools, .toc border-left-width: 0

Make sure that our tools are opaque in single column mode so that the transitions aren't distracting

$opaque-tools-background-color: opacify($tools-background-color, 1.0) .tools +background(linear-gradient(top, lighten($opaque-tools-background-color, 10%), darken($opaque-tools-background-color, 10%))) .toc background: $opaque-tools-background-color

Commentary Elements

.comments .wrapper a display: inline-block color: $link-color text-decoration: none &:hover, &:hover * text-decoration: underline code +code-font border: 1px solid darken(desaturate($inline-code-background-color, 25%), 10%) pre, code +border-radius(0.4em) background: $inline-code-background-color pre +box-shadow(darken(desaturate($inline-code-background-color, 15%), 5%) 0 0 0.4em 0.2em) border: 1px solid darken(desaturate($inline-code-background-color, 15%), 20%) code border-width: 0 background: transparent blockquote $blockquote-border-color: lighten($commentary-foreground-color, 30%) border-left: 0.15em solid $blockquote-border-color margin-left: -0.15em

Browser-Specific Tweaks

Don't allow mobile WebKit clients to mess with the font size

body -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%

Replicate the WebKit type="search" appearance in other browsers if they don't have their own search field styling

input[type="search"] +border-radius(1em) +box-shadow(#dddddd 0 1px 1px 0 inset) border: 1px solid #959595 padding: 0.15em 0.8em

Doc Tags

.comments.doc-section //&.doc-section-public, //&.doc-section-static

.wrapper color: #252519

.wrapper color: #252519 &.doc-section-private, &.doc-section-protected, &.doc-section-internal .wrapper color: #7f7f7f .doc-section-header font: bold 18px 'helvetica neue', helvetica, sans-serif .docs .doc-section-header code font-size: 18px

Code folding

.code .marker, .code .marker.wrapper, .code .wrapper.marker display: none .code.folded .wrapper display: none cursor: default .marker +border-radius(0.2em) +box-shadow(#2f3539 1px 1px 1px 0) display: inline-block border: 1px solid #73787f padding: 0.2em 0.5em margin-left: -0.5em margin-right: -0.5em background: #58616b font: 12px 'Droid Sans Mono', Menlo, Monaco, monospace text-shadow: #2f3539 1px 1px 0px cursor: pointer -webkit-touch-callout: none -webkit-user-select: none -khtml-user-select: none -moz-user-select: -moz-none -ms-user-select: none user-select: none .c1 color: #73787f font-style: normal .marker:hover background: #5f6872 .c1 color: #7b8087 .marker .c1:after content: " …"